The Crypto Space

MAXX Finance
4 min readJul 4, 2022

MAXX Finance implements all the lessons from today’s broken crypto market to launch the most stable and sustainable DeFi staking platform that’s made to last.

Currently (July 2022) we are living through the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, but this time in crypto space. Same mistakes from history are now ravaging the entire DeFi ecosystem. In this article, we’ll learn how MAXX Finance is solving all of these critical issues for their community.

Looking past the greed, irrational exuberance, and leverage, we can clearly see that the bear market is in full swing. So much so, that there’s no way to tell when the ripples of panic will subside. It will take a while until the financial hurricane quiets down and confidence returns. During these times, however, the best projects are built.

The team at MAXX Finance has been paying close attention and learning from the mistakes of this recent infamous page in blockchain history. Here’s how we are making sure that MAXX Finance can become even stronger during an unexpected financial apocalypse. Our goal is to become the most trusted DeFi staking protocol out there.

Every time a new DeFi protocol is released, there are a small number of early investors (whales) that end up owning a sizable amount of tokens. Dissecting the examples of past failed projects, we have made sure that MAXX Finance implements failsafe mechanisms that prevent whale accumulation from happening in the first place.

Oftentimes the seed round and private sale phases take a very short amount of time. If you don’t follow up on the dates, you will simply miss your opportunity to acquire tokens in any given project. Thanks to the Liquidity Amplifier launch stage, we allow everyone to participate and reserve a fair amount of MAXX tokens. This campaign lasts for 60 days and allows literally everyone to participate. Aside from this, we also ensured multiple ways you can claim MAXX tokens when you’re early.

Check out our whitepaper to learn more…

Many cryptos and DeFi projects have become infamous because of unfair launches. Delays, unequal token distribution, and VC dumping have wreaked havoc throughout the crypto community, harming the core principles of decentralization and immutability along the way.

MAXX Finance decided on a different approach. Our launch is 100% fair. No ICO, no IDO, no whales, and no headaches. We are committed to building a sustainable and predictable staking platform that rewards all ecosystem participants fairly. This is why our launch cannot be influenced by external factors that can skew and subvert our principles. It’s simply not an option for the MAXX team.

Check out how you can participate in MAXX token distribution….

What would happen if so many of today’s DeFi projects organized themselves around open and decentralized governance? Things like dangerous leveraged speculation and recklessness would be completely eliminated.

We saw the wisdom of community lead governance from the very beginning. Our goal is to give control to our community. When you are a part of MAXX Finance, not only do you have direct influence and voting power, but you also earn handsome rewards for your participation. The referral system is just one example.

In short, our DAO governance structure is designed to level the playing field for all MAXXIANS, without discrimination or bias. Join MAXX Finance community today. You have every reason to.

The chain is as strong as its weakest link. At MAXX Finance, we have been in the crypto space for a long time. We have seen projects, coins and tokens come and go. We have seen the rise and fall of digital empires and we sure as hell learned from every single one of them.

Our team is hellbent on making MAXX Finance the most predictable, sustainable and trusted staking platform in the crypto space and we make sure to work with knowledgeable and talented people.

Not only did we take the time to properly test and audit all the smart contracts, our team is KYC’d, doxxed, and highly motivated to build for the future. MAXX Finance is just the beginning of the journey. We are here to build the future of Web 3.0 and make DeFi as simple and user-friendly as possible. With time, even your grandma will be staking. That’s something we can guarantee.

Check out our road map to learn more

MAXX Finance going live very soon! Currently, it’s all hands on deck and we are scrambling our entire team to deliver you the best and most stable staking experience possible. To us, this is an epic journey. To you, this is a chance for financial freedom and exposure to everything that the amazing world of blockchain technology has to offer. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance. We stand together at the frontier of possibilities. All you have to do is take the first step. Visit www.MAXX.Finance



MAXX Finance

The first fair launched time-locked staking ecosystem on 💜Polygon. MAXX is utility focused, cross chain, backed by validators & governed by a DAO. #NYKNYC